def leppard tour 2011 - main songs played
Total Songs Played - 28
def leppard tour 2011 - cover song acoustic snippets played
Total Snippets Played - 5
no. | song | info |
01 | Indiana Wants Me | By Richard Dean Taylor in Noblesville. |
02 | Barracuda | By Heart multiple times. |
03 | Detroit Rock City | By KISS in Detroit. |
04 | Wasted | In Salt Lake City. |
05 | Crazy Horses | By The Osmonds In Salt Lake City. |
Various acoustic snippets played by Joe Elliott before 'Two Steps Behind'.
def leppard tour 2011 - cover songs snippets
Songs Played - 3
no. | song | info |
01 | Holy Diver | By DIO In Tokyo. |
02 | Still Of The Night | By Whitesnake In Tokyo. |
03 | Stand Up And Shout | By DIO In Tokyo. |
Electric guitar snippets played by Vivian Campbell in Tokyo as a nod to his former bands.
def leppard tour 2011 - special guests
Songs Played - 3
no. | song | album |
01 | When Love & Hate Collide | w/ Keith Wier in Belfast. |
02 | When Love & Hate Collide | w/ Keith Wier in Dublin. |
03 | When Love & Hate Collide | w/ Keith Wier in Derby. |
Special guests appearances in Ireland and the UK by keyboardist Keith Wier of The Quireboys and the Down 'n' Outz. Playing in place of Dick Decent (who was ill and sadly passed away in late 2012). He had played on the same song in 2006 (Sheffield/London) and 2009 (Dublin/Donington).
View all tour dates in the 2011 tour section.
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