2018 Def Leppard Dublin, Ireland Online Review/Photos 1
Def Leppard played a 2018 tour show in Dublin, Ireland on 1st December and the first media review has been posted.
Over Drive reviewed the show which took place at 3Arena.
The first show in Dublin since December 2015.
A gallery with 25 photos is included with the review.
View the photo below.
Over Drive - Media Review Quotes
"Frontman Joe Elliott is his usual upbeat and gracious self, acknowledging the audience and generally being a dude onstage. Shredder Vivian Campbell is still the monster he always was and never stops moving. Drummer Rick Allen sports a very snazzy pair of glittery headphones that you can see from space. The perma-permed bassist Rick Savage bounces all over the stage and stands on the speakers for an eagle-eyed view of the audience for ‘Gods of War’."
"The lighting for the show is as always, absorbing and the sound is perfectly timed. This is a testament to how well the band works together, and it is obvious by watching them move together onstage. Guitarist Phil Collen does his usual thing of showing off the chest that is the envy of the gym-going workaholics that like their greasy food and occasional pint of plain (I include myself in that cohort)."
Photos and reviews from any tour can be submitted - Here
- Read the full review at - overdrive.ie
- Def Leppard - Dublin 2018 Show Page
- Def Leppard - World Tour 2018
- Related News - 3rd December 2018
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