Sunday, 29th April 2018
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Classic Def Leppard Fan Review Estero, FL 2003

X/Ten 2002.

Def Leppard played a show on the X/Ten tour in Estero, FL on 29th April 2003 and a fan review was sent in by Terri.

The show took place at the TECO Arena.

A second fan review is available from this show.

Terri - Fan Review Quote

"They played the first side of High N Dry again, which was fine, anytime I hear Let It Go live works for me! 'LLWTG' sounded great live. I was wondering what I would think of seeing it live for the first time, because I don't really care for the "electric" version, but I cried my eyes out!! It was just beautiful and I guess it meant more because I was seeing them do it, not just hearing it."

This and other archive concert reviews can be found on the show pages in the Tour History.

Fan photos and reviews from any past tour can be submitted - Here

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