Friday, 18th May 2012

Def Leppard's secret recording project has been revealed with newly re-recorded versions of Pour Some Sugar On Me and Rock Of Ages set for release in June.
To coincide with the Rock Of Ages movie which will be released on 15th June these two new recordings will be made available as part of the Def Leppard 2012 EP on 4th June. Both tracks will be available digitally on iTunes, Amazon and other digital outlets. They were recorded recently (by Joe/Sav in Dublin) and by Phil/Vivian and Rick in California during late April.
Vivian Campbell - 12th May facebook Quotes
How were the demos you, Phil and Rick worked on a few weeks ago?
"We weren't working on demos then, that was something else. However, as regards the next record it's like you said, early days."
What you guys were doing then? What was the "something else" you mentioned :)!
"Top secret, special underground, highly classified projects."
In amongst the usual "OMG awesome!" comments on facebook some fans have expressed their displeasure at the band re-doing such classic material.
Def Leppard Re-Recordings - Online Fan Comments
Ady Hasell - How can you better perfect songs though?
Glenn Vinney Conley - New versions always suck
Peter Oakes - I love Leppard but its a case of how can we get more money out our fans without releasing any new material,take another year out and write a balls to the wall ROCK record and give your loyal fans what they deserve.
Matthew Solovey - I'm not sure I like this... why re-record such CLASSICS?
Aaron Lyons - I've thought for years I'd like to hear DL re-record a whole ALBUM...say Pyromania or Hysteria...with new technology, new edge. Not diffrerent entirely, same riffs, solos, tempos etc just with a 20-yr more modern sound. I agree messing with classics can ruin our memory, but I also think how exciting the classics could be with that new flare. Food for thought boys.
Nuno Miguel Aguiar - New Versions? there was nothing wrong with the old ones, please don't pull a George Lucas and start to screw around with what is already perfect in it's own right.
Iam Home - lol we are well past April Fool's, stop posting this.
Ryan Sebastyan - Yay!! New Leppard material! - (Please confirm that was sarcasm Ryan!)
Girish Patel - If it ain't broke, why fix it? Or in this case re-record!
Scott Gatica - No thanks. They're pretty much perfect as they are. Why don't you just re-record all your greatest hits and call it, "This Left Feels Right." Stupid idea.
Regina Sjolander Italia - I hate remakes ugh
Ernesto Sambrano - ...because other bands covering your songs wasn't annoying enough
Beth Walters - Already heard the horrible movie version - what a way to destroy a legacy. As much as it pains me to say this, I'm glad Steve isn't here to have to watch this debacle.
Timothy Roche - Good business move. Hope you all get 100% of the $ on those 2. Everyone knows iTunes gives the artist squat. - (Is that why every other artist is on there Tim? Lep holding out because they are The Beatles?)
Yoichiro Yoda - Nothing can top the backing guitar of Pete Willis on "Rock of Ages".
Jeromy Baldridge - Why don't you rerecord something like "Beyond the Temple", "Heat Street", "Glad I'm Alive", "Tomorrow Seems Like Yesterday", "Got to See the Lights", "Warchild", or "Good Morning Freedom"?
Kevin Galloway - Wow! More money and nothing new! That's the leppa I know!! Take it to the bank!!!
Bob Helferstay - Good. Now get in the studio and record some NEW music, guys. Can't wait to hear it.
Rich Vecchione - Why did we need new versions of these songs? Record new stuff...leave the classics alone!
Dave Koenig - one of my favorite bands BUT rerecording stuff...not cool, pretty lame
Ed Barr - I'd much rather have a brand new studio album
Thomas Wright - Lazy. Effing lazy.
Sarah 'Sari' Reading - Because it was soooo hard to put the originals on iTunes?????
It's at this point that I'd like to point out to anyone who's only aware of buying music digitally that you can get the originals on something called a Compact Disc or CD. The original version of PSSOM was released in 1987 and can be found on the album 'Hysteria'. The original version of Rock Of Ages was released in 1983 and can be found on the album 'Pyromania'.
Alternatively you can find the US Remix of PSSOM (from the classic 1988 live promo video) and Rock Of Ages on the greatest hits/reissue releases 'Vault - Greatest Hits' (1995), 'Best Of Def Leppard' (2004), 'Rock Of Ages The Definitive Collection' (2005), 'Hysteria Deluxe Edition' (2006) and 'Pyromania Deluxe Edition' (2009). See Discography section for more details. You'll be able to find cheap prices for them all on Amazon, Play etc.
These versions also had almost 3 years of hard work, writing/arranging and amazing production work put into them. For further information see - "Animal Instinct" (Zomba Books 1987), "Classic Albums Hysteria" (DVD) - 2002
Def Leppard - Discography
Previous News - 16th May 2012