Sunday, 12th August 2018
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Classic Def Leppard Fan Review Indianapolis, IN 2011

Mirrorball 2011.

Def Leppard played a show on the Mirrorball tour in Indianapolis, IN on 12th August 2011 and a fan review was sent in by Curt.

The show which took place at Verizon Wireless Music Center in Noblesville.

Curt Taft - Fan Review Quote

"Joe thanked the audience, so I knew "Love Bites" wasn't coming. And that's when Viv started "Make Love Like A Man." The die hard in me would have rather had "Let It Go" or something else, but I was just happy that the band hadn't dropped the set back to 15 songs. So I took it for what it was and enjoyed it."

This and other archive concert reviews can be found on the show pages in the Tour History.

Fan photos and reviews from any past tour can be submitted - Here

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