Sunday, 4th November 2018
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Classic Def Leppard Fan Review Atlanta, GA 2006

YEAH! 2006.

Def Leppard played a show on the YEAH! tour in Atlanta, GA on 4th November 2006 and a fan review was sent in by Shannon.

The show which took place at Philips Arena.

Shannon - Fan Review Quote

"We got to Philips arena about 6:30, and it was perfect from then on. the show was great, it didn't seem long enough as most concerts don't. this was my sons first concert and he had a Great time! I loved the set! I loved the lighting, the pyros and I loved that Joe talked to the crowd about the past shows here in Atlanta. I was excited before the concert and a week after I am still talking about it."

This and other archive concert reviews can be found on the show pages in the Tour History.

Fan photos and reviews from any past tour can be submitted - Here

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