Thursday, 19th July 2018
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2018 Def Leppard Sioux Falls, SD Online Review/Photos 1

Def Leppard 2018.

Def Leppard played a 2018 tour show in Sioux Falls, SD last night and the first media review has been posted.

KSSO Radio reviewed the show which took place at Denny Sanford PREMIER Center.

The first show in Sioux Falls since April 2017.

12 photos are included with the review.

View some of them below.

KSSO Radio - Media Review Quotes

"The night's most memorable moment was when Joe Elliott revealed that it was Def Leppard's 40th anniversary of their first gig."

"Sioux Falls, this very crowd in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, is part of a very special night for us. It was 40 years ago tonight that Def Leppard played its first gig."

"They played to a small crowd of 150 students at their Sheffield, England school in 1978. That announcement brought the house down. Every fan knew we were truly part of classic rock history to be in the Premier Center at this moment. They then broke from their setlist to celebrate with a solid version of David Essex' Rock On."

Photos and reviews from any tour can be submitted - Here

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