Saturday, 7th April 2018
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Classic Def Leppard Fan Review 2 Erie, PA 2003

X/Ten 2002.

Def Leppard played a show on the X/Ten tour in Erie, PA on 7th April 2003 and a second fan review was sent in by Anon.

The show took place at the Louis J. Tullio Arena.

Two other fan reviews are available for this show.

Missimace - Fan Review Quotes

"I thought the show was fabulous! The Lepps looked great and did their best to please. I didn't think that they were as 'tight' musically as has been reported, but I'm not there to hear perfection...that's what the CD's are for. I just wanted to party with 5 Lepps and several thousand Lepp Lovers, and I wasn't disappointed! Their energy had me so wound up, I couldn't get to sleep till 5 in the morning. Whew!"

"The next part of this review is advice for those who have not yet seen the concert. First, it is loud, I mean LOUD!! Let's face it, good acoustics at a one night gig in an arena is next to impossible anyway. I had read about this in other reviews and prepared myself with foam earplugs, just in case. I ended up wearing them all night...and the concert was STILL loud!."

This and other archive concert reviews can be found on the show pages in the Tour History.

Fan photos and reviews from any past tour can be submitted - Here

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