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Wednesday, 6th July 1988

Rapid City, SD - Media Reviews

Def Leppard @ Rushmore Plaza Civic Center By Rapid City Journal

The Def Leppard concert was the first to sell out since the original Van Halen played here in 1981.

They worked in the round and electrified the night.

The center stage added fuel to the fire along with the most impressive laser light show I've seen in the civic center.

The air was thick with energy and the smell of a hot, sweating mass of youthful humanity bouncing to the primitive rhythms created by drummer Richard Allen.

The real basis for the band's phenomenal success has been Elliott's strong rock voice and lead guitarist Phil Collen's impressive talent.

The band doesn't hang its hat on shock lyrics, leather or Satan worship.

Instead, they have talent, and an incredible ability to wrap 11,000 people around their fingers.

The disappointment in the band was rhythm guitarist Steve Clark, whose stage presence appeared to be an imitation of Jimmy Page...who has no stage presence.

By Rapid City Journal 1988.


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