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Friday, 5th August 1988

Nashville/Antioch, TN - Media Reviews

Def Leppard @ Starwood Amphitheatre By The Tennessean

It was definitely an event.

The malls must have been deserted last night.

It seemed like every teen between Alabama and Kentucky was at Starwood Amphitheatre to bask in the hard rock glory of Def Leppard and Europe.

It was a crowd too young to drink and too young to vote.

You could almost feel the energy of the youth in the place.

There wasn't a single butt in a seat or on the ground throughout the entire powerful Def Leppard set.

Under the pavilion, pandemonium reigned as the electricity of musical communication between performers and fans.

Lead singer Joe Elliott remains one of rock's great front men, full of wild body spins and a natural cheerleading quality that urged the crowd to sing along and punch the air in time.

Rhythm guitarist Phil Collen has Elliott's harmony singing mainstay.

Lead guitarist Steve Clark was a rock maniac, with a frenzied approach that sent notes spluttering into the crowds with what seemed to be barely-controlled intensity.

Bassist Rick Savage broke female hearts with every twitch of his tight jeans and flash of his torso from his open jacket.

By The Tennessean 1988.


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