Monday, 18th October 2021
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33 Years Ago DEF LEPPARD HYSTERIA Tour 1988 In Iowa City, IA (Concert Review 1)

Def Leppard 1988. Def Leppard 1988

Def Leppard played a Hysteria tour show in Iowa City, IA on 18th October 1988 and an archive concert review is available to read.

Daily Iowan reviewed the show which took place at Carver-Hawkeye Arena.

The first show by the band in this city.

Hysteria 1987.

Daily Iowan - Online Review Quotes

"At Carver-Hawkeye Arena Tuesday night, before some 16,000 freshly-scrubbed members of that generation, Def Leppard delivered a technically astounding musically proficient, professionally paced two hours of sixth or seventh generation hard rock."

"Lost somewhere in the gee-whiz hi-tech glitz that is modern concert wizardry, though, was the fact that Def Leppard is a mind-numbingly dull band."

This and other archive concert reviews can be found on the show pages in the Tour History.

Fan photos and reviews from any past tour can be submitted - Here

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