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Monday, 26th May 1980

Sacramento, CA, USA - Media Reviews

Pat Travers/Def Leppard @ Memorial Auditorium By Orangevale News

The reason for an opening act, besides warming up the crowd, is to introduce people to a relatively new and unknown group.

So the folks will go out and buy their latest record.

Unfortunately, one couldn't tell if those on stage could really play or were just flailing away mindlessly ala Ted Nugent.

The only way to find out for sure would be to buy an album but not many people today are willing to part with six or seven dollars for one well-known song sandwiched between what could possibly turn out to be a bunch of trash.

The only possible conclusions from Def Leppard's performance is the distortion was used to mask a lack of musicianship or the problem with the sound system was cleared up between the two bands.

Chances are it was the former rather than the latter.

By Orangevale News 1980.


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